Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I'm getting to work with one of my favorite companies this week - A little boutique production company called Plank. I have a debt to Plank because the people who are Plank (Di, Pete & Karly) where the same team who where the first to hire little old me as a 1st AD. Back then they were working as a team for another production company, but it wasn't too long after that they started Plank. The director at Plank is Pete Pohorsky.

Pete has a knack for taking the mundane and transforming it into something amusing and entertaining. This week we shoot Five Roses Tea - This would usually promise a middle of the road mundane shoot, but after 10mins talking to Pete we were inspired. Pete has an amazing knack for finding humor and something special in the mundane.

We are going to have fun! In fact we may not have enough time to do everything that Pete has in mind, but everyone is on board to see what we can achieve and the producers have budgeted realistically to accommodate for this - ahh I love working with professionals.

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